Indigo Resources offers a variety of custom and pre-designed workshops. Workshop participants enjoy their learning experience with our facilitators. They share problems and insights, enriching their value and relevance. A sample of two workshops we offer is provided below.
Resolving Conflict with Backbone and Heart
By improving relationships with co-workers and customers, employees create the good will and energy that drive great business results. They become peak performers when they learn to communicate ideas clearly, hear criticism for its value, and disagree with others tactfully.
In a one-day workshop participants learn to:
• Communicate effectively under pressure.
• Bring differences to the surface and address them rather than languish unresolved.
• Solicit and give meaningful feedback.
• Use anger productively.
• Better understand their and others’ preferred approach to conflict.
• Flex into other approaches when called for.
• Have breakthrough conversations.
Coaching Employees to Meet High Standards
Most managers spend more time than they’d like to admit negotiating productivity from their employees. Today’s leaders recognize that people are creative, resourceful and whole and have most of their own answers. Our belief is that a skilled leader will bridge the gap between the company’s vision and employee performance by gaining the commitment and accessing the gifts of each team member.
The net effect of coaching skills is to be the person who empowers employees to find their own answers while staying within the framework of the organization’s mission and business goals. As employee confidence grows, so does innovation and accountability. Because the results of coaching are seen immediately, the executive, manager, or team member who is using coaching skills will continue to practice and get even better at it over time.
Offered in a variety of formats (one-day workshop, two-day workshop, a series of half-day workshops), participants will learn to:
• Use simple questions and powerful operating assumptions that draw out answers
• Use “gentle language” to bolster creativity
• Move the employee to truly committed action and accurate reporting